Dear CCGR Family,
image.jpegGood News!
We are returning to meet in person at church for Sunday morning Worship Services beginning Sunday, May 30th, and each Sunday going forward.
We realize many of you have been vaccinated; but perhaps some have not. Please be comfortable in knowing that social distancing will remain in place, and ask that we take each other’s well being into consideration.  
We are most thankful to be able to gather in person going forward.
Please note that June 6th is Confirmation Sunday, when 3 of our young people will be receiving confirmation in-person during worship.
Additional Good News is that services will continue to be live streamed those who are unable to attend in person services, or prefer to watch from home.
Services will also continue to be available on our CCGR Facebook page.
As always, thank you to Boyd Lowry for his dedication to CCGR and technical expertise, enabling us to view our weekly services from home, and to Janet Montroy for providing us with her wonderful music, and bringing such talented vocalists and musicians to our church services.
 To reflect on recent Sunday messages Pastor Terry shared with us, please take a look at the below summaries, or take some time to view these services
 (if you missed them)  via Facebook or Youtube.
They convey some inspiring messages for us all, and include beautiful music for us all to hear.
Sunday, May 16th Service
Sermon: “What’s In A Window” – Pastor Terry
Music Director, Janet Montroy
Prelude: “Georgian Impression” – F. Guilmant
Duet: “You Are Mine” – David Haas, arranged by Mark Hayes, Melanie Lota and Stephanie Beaudoin – Sopranos
Gospel Reading: Genesis 28: 15-22, Gail Sternitzke
Duet: “You Are My All In All” – Lloyd Larson, Melanie Lota and Stephanie Beaudoin
Postlude: “Guide Me, Oh Thou Great Jehovah” – Wilbur Held
In his May 16th Sermon – “What’s In A Window” (based on Scripture Reading Genesis 28: 15-22), Pastor Terry reminded us of the occurrence of Ascension Thursday, one of the earliest Christian festivals, taking place the 40th day after the resurrection. On this day, it is believed that Jesus took his disciples to the Mt. of Olives where they watched Him ascend into Heaven. Jesus met with his disciples several times during these 40 days prior to Jesus’ ascension to instruct them how to carry out his teachings.
A key verse in this week’s scripture is Genesis 28:15 inwhen Jesus spoke to Jacob in a dream he had the night he stopped at Bethel: “I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go, and I will bring you back to this land. I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you.” This verse is such a strong reminder that the spirit of God is always with each and every one of us.
Pastor Terry brought us back through the years of our Community Church. He reminded us that our current church family is just one of many others who have come before us, worshiping within the secure structure of our church’s beautiful home. Although our church has grown from originally meeting in the local small little red school 125 years ago, generations of families have worshipped together in different structures on the site where our church stands today — from the little white church house — to the stucco church building — to our current brick home we now worship in today, adorned with the beautiful stained glass windows.
Just imagine how many prayers that have been prayed in the peaceful presence of all these structures. We have been blessed for a century and a quarter to have this home to share our deepest prayers with God — prayers of joy and sorrow; our church walls have heard them all. But, they don’t stop there, as Pastor Terry points out. Through our current stained glass windows, God has heard — and will continue to hear — each and every one of our personal messages from deep inside us — our needs, our wants, our hopes, our dreams, our pleas for help, our thank you’s, and so much more.
God is not so far away from us way beyond the clouds that He only hears bits and pieces of our conversations with Him. He is always present, and hears us through every silent thought, every silent prayer, every spoken prayer — in our own homes, in the parks or the beach while walking, on the bus going to work, wherever we are — he hears. And each Sunday, while we gather together as a family in the comfort and quiet of our church home, we especially are reassured to know that whatever our conversation is with God just doesn’t stay within our church walls. As you gaze at the beauty of each colored glass that surrounds our sanctuary, know he’s right there listening — surrounding us, hearing every thought and every word of every prayer we each pray.
We all have trials, disappointments, broken relationships, deep hurt and losses to share with Him. We all stumble occasionally; we are not perfect; we are not flawless. God is the only perfect One.  And God does not judge when we do fall; He wants us to pick ourselves up and keep trying. All He wants is for each of us to have a relationship with Him — to grow to know Him better each day — to communicate with Him — to follow Him through all stages of our lives. He asks for nothing more.
And, the more we get to know God and have conversations with Him, the more we will find He IS there right beside us — always — everywhere we go. And, He will surely answer each of us — in His time; in His way — but He will answer.
Sunday, May 23rd Service

Sermon: “The Spirit: Bringing Unity in Diversity” – Pastor Terry

Music Director, Janet Montroy
Prelude: “Crown Him With Many Crowns” – Wilbur Held
Solo: “Wisdom, Come Softly” – Martin Barry, Melanie Lota, Soprano
Gospel Reading: 1 Corinthians 12:3-13, Gary Montroy
Solo: “Every Time I Feel The Spirit”- Mark Hayes, Melanie Lota
Postlude: “Holy Spirit, Ever Dwelling” – Michael Burkhardt
In his sermon on Pentecost Sunday, marking the 50th day of the feast of the resurrection, Pastor Terry discussed the descent of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles and other followers of Jesus, recognized by many Christians as the birth of the Church.
The Apostles and the others had been afraid and unsure of their future and the Holy Spirit came to comfort them. Pastor Terry describes how the Spirit provided spiritual gifts meant for individual Christians for the good of others but for the primary purpose of building up the entire church.  
What has become of this some 2,000 years later, Pastor Terry said, can be summed up in one phrase: “The Spirit bringing unity and diversity to the church.”
So why, Pastor Terry asks, do people seek out “cookie cutter” relationships (people just like them) when they say they want a diverse church?
Pastor Terry said there is no more helpful reading on this topic that today’s scripture in which Paul outlines to the Church of Corinth the gifts of the Spirit at the time, as he aims to convey a message of church unity — using the example of how the church is like the body whose every different part functions for the good of the whole.  In other words, while we are a diverse community of believers with a variety of gifts, all of which come from the Holy Spirit, we can provide unity through our diversity.  
Pastor Terry drew attention to the specific gifts outlined by Paul which include: wisdom, knowledge, faith, the gift of healing, the working of miracles, prophecy, the discerning of spirits, different kinds of tongues, and the interpretation of tongues — gifts that are available to be used by all us.
Hence, when the Spirit descended on the Apostles on Pentecost, they followed instruction to share their love of Christ with the world by giving the gift of Baptism. And this instruction is the same 2,000 years later as we as flowers of Jesus are called upon to share God’s love with on another.  
Whether it is academic, musical, writing, ministering to others, we are a unity of believers.  Again, as the body has different parts – each serving a significant purpose — it is God’s desire for us to share our individual gifts as a unity of believers to make our church  whole.
Pastor Terry encourages us to seek out the voice of the Spirit who is calling us to use those gifts to help continue to build our church and serve God.
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“Praying for people not only has impact on their life since you are helping usher in the hand of God when it corresponds to His will, but praying for others also changes your heart towards that person. So, we should always pray for each other, because prayer creates unity,” and we are comforted to know others are praying for them.
Remember, the Holy Spirit intercedes for us and God knows your heart even if you can’t find the words to pray.
Please continue to pray for all of our church members and families. We  each are faced with challenging issues — some because of loss and grief, some for health issues, family conflict, loneliness,  or some other type of situation.
Special prayer requests continue for  the family of Doris Adler on Doris’ passing;
the Mapes/Lange/Glass family; the Sinkway/Emery family; the Strickland family;
 Anne Allen, Debbie Azzarone, Doris Adler, Kim Briggs, Trudy Carhart, Beryl Ferrari,
 Jean Franklin, Bob Freudenrich, and Janice Roed.
Stephanie Beaudoin has shared a special prayer request of us —
A 3rd grade student of Stephanie’s, Aidan D’Angelo of Fair Lawn, was hit by a car this weekend and remains in a coma.
Please keep Aidan and his family … and those who know him … in your prayers. 
Private Prayer ChainFor those more ‘private’ prayer requests, it gives us comfort knowing our church has a small group ‘CCGR Prayer Chain’. We share prayer needs in confidence on a regular basis those prayers shared with us that you would like to be kept private. If you have a need for prayer that you feel you would like us to share confidentially amongst the small group Prayer Chain, please email requests to:
Donna Nihen –
and Pastor Terry –
PrayGod Bless,
~Donna & Bob
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To Our CCGR Family:  Thanks to all who attended our mother Connie’s 
 memorial service, either virtually or in person, last Saturday, 5/22/21.
  As this chapter in our lives comes to a close, we turn to our 
 current friendships and family connections to sustain us.  We look forward 
 to holding our cherished memories close and our new experiences even 
 closer and dearer.  It is in that light that your presence meant and means 
 so much to us.

 With love from Connie and her family, 

and the warmest of wishes for all of you,

 Robin Emery, Dave & Jody Sinkway and Diane Stenberg

Vision Planning Update!  We want to hear from you!
Members of the Vision Planning Committee thank those who have shared their ideas about the church and our community through Zoom.
 We will continue to be reaching out to everyone because we really want to know what you think. Surveys have been sent out to those who weren’t able to participate in one of the Vision Planning Meetings. We hope that you will be able to find the time to take part. After all, it is Your Church. Now more than ever, your input will be helpful in shaping the future!
Your friends, the Vision Planning Committee:  Pastor Terry, Lynn Meyers, Boyd Lowry, Fran Milde, Reggie Aber, Kyle Breitweiser and Candy Hall.
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Our next book is “Interior Chinatown” by Charles Yu.

We will be meeting on Friday, June 18, at 7:00 p.m.
All Welcome!
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1 – Joseph Kaselow
2 – Bob Freudenrich
3 – Bob Croland
5 – Harry Horeisch
***Please let us know of any other celebrations we can include with those we might have missed.***
Ageless Grace Continues at 9am on Wednesday morning
 Come to Fellowship Hall or via Zoom – 
 Join Sara Lowry for our weekly Ageless Grace class- a brain health fitness program.  The zoom link is sent to all members prior to Wednesday.
Religious Communities of Glen Rock
Religious Communities of Glen Rock is continuing their weekly messages of hope, unity and healing each week on  Check it out for inspiration.
For other news around town: 
Don’t forget to check and for additional community news and updates 
And finally, please remember to support Community Church – your church:
You can donate on our website: , set up auto-pay through your bank or pay by mail.